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If only there were a proven way to reduce headache pain in seconds…

Oh wait, you’ve tried everything known to man for headaches and migraines and been disappointed… Hoping for a natural (much less free or fast) solution is for dreamers, right?

It would be easy to get frustrated and give up or get skeptical that after trying 100 things, #101 could work…or that #101 even exists. I hear you….BUT even after relentlessly studying migraine relief and speaking with experts across the globe, I continue to discover more.

Different headache relief techniques work for different people

acupoints for headachesI love coming across new tools and techniques that can offer relief because I know not any one thing will work for everyone. And that’s why it was such a gift to meet Brodie and get to interview her about the acupoints she uses in her practice and teaches her clients who suffer from migraine headaches.

Unless you are a master of Chinese Medicine, I can pretty much guarantee you will learn a lot from Brodie’s interview and pick up some new tools for your toolbox.

Who Is Brodie Welch?

Brodie Welch is a Licensed Acupuncturist, board-certified herbalist, qigong teacher, holistic health counselor, Aroma Acupoint Therapist™, and Chinese Medicine educator practicing in Corvallis, Oregon.

In addition to her clinical practice, Brodie shares her passion for Chinese Medicine through teaching and her podcast A Healthy Curiosity.

She loves catalyzing change for her patients and students by helping them understand the links between the body, mind, and spirit as described in Chinese Medicine and does just this in our conversation about the energetic causes of migraine headaches.

What is this video about?

In the video below, Brodie shares an amazing list of targeted acupoints that you can work with next time you feel the earliest warning signs of a headache coming on. Most were points I’d never heard of before so I think this interview is going to blow your mind (in a good way!)

Time markers for key points:

1:50 Energetic blocks that cause migraines

11:19 How Brodie helps her clients with migraines using principles of Chinese Medicine

13:13 Reasons why acupuncture may not have worked for you in the past

17:50 Acupoints that you can use for different migraine symptoms

27:00 Using essential oils to get your body’s attention at these acupoints

28:12 Using cooling vs warming oils and herbs

To get your copy of the guide that Brodie put together for you click here or go to and click on the preview image.

Then leave us a comment below with your favorite thing you learned from this video!

Learn our systematic approach for stopping a migraine in our Ultimate Migraine Relief Course.