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“I’ve Tried Everything” Case Review


In this two-part  new client case review we will review your health history in depth, what you have tried so far, your goals and what lab testing is recommended (review of labwork not included).

You will get an email with the link to the required intake paperwork. Please allow at least 1 hour to thoughtfully complete these detailed forms.



If you are ready to:

  • Get the RIGHT testing done from today’s best labs
  • Work with someone who has dealt with chronic migraine, chronic fatigue and autoimmune disease herself
  • Discover the root cause problems that are keeping you in the cycle of pain
  • Troubleshoot common issues like candida, hormone imbalance or poor protein digestion
  • Look at your body as a complex, interconnected whole instead of patching up symptoms
  • Finally find the diet that works well for YOUR body
  • and more!

Then it is time to book your two-part Case Review. During the first meeting, we will review in detail your personal and family health history, your health goals. We will discuss what you have tried so far, particularly in terms of Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress Reduction and Supplementation.

In the second meeting, we will prioritize the top 2-3 actions that would make the biggest difference for you right away and determine which lab tests are appropriate for you. You will receive a concise Health Plan Report that outlines all of the recommendations in a clear format as well as specific tools to help you along your journey. If you decide to go deeper with your investigation, we will lay out a plan for functional lab testing and follow-up meetings.

You can sign up for your new client case review now and after signing up, you will receive information to book your first appointment and start working on the intake assessments.